"Dugan's "Fan"
Written by Judy Houle
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Many have asked these questions about the Fan pattern - who actually manufactured it and is it really custard glass?  In James H. Gaddis' Custard Glass "Keys I" publication, he referred to this publication, he referred to this patter as Northwood's Fan and classified it as custard.  In his final Keys publication he stated he made a mistake - that since the black light revealed no uranium content, that it could not belong to the custard family.
In Bill Heacock's Book IV on Custard Glass, he listed this pattern under Northwood who manufactured custard glass from 1896-1904, but stated he was convinced it was actually made by Dugan Glass who picked up the Northwood production of custard from 1904-1915.  Some pieces have actually been found with a "D" in a diamond trademark.  To support this, the pattern was mentioned in Dugan's 1907 catalog, and the formula for this "ivory" pattern was found in Thomas Dugan's notebook also dated 1907.  However, his formula did not contain uranium oxide.  The same goes for the pattern "Diamond Maple Leaf" with the gold or silver filigree, also made by Dugan.  I think we can safely attribute the "Fan" pattern to Dugan, but the custard question remains!  If an item does not contain uranium oxide, is it really considered "custard glass"?
I personally think of my collection of this pattern as custard glass because of it's rich, creamy color and beautiful gold trim.  It is a more dense and less translucent glass than other custard patterns, but just as pretty.  Items found in this pattern are:  Table set, Water Set and Ice Cream Set.  Other colors of opalescent blue and green were made, as well as some pieces in carnival glass.
Happy custard glass hunting!  -Judy