Resources for Glass Collectors...

Below are a list of links to information and valuable resources for glass collectors -
and we're always looking for more! If you have suggestions for other great glass resources, let us know!

Glass Collectors Clubs & Organizations
Click here for our directory of glass collectors clubs & organizations. Some are specific to a 
company of manufacture or type of glass, while others are geographically located.
But all are dedicated to education about and preservation of the glass we love.

Glass Museums & Collections
Click here for a list of some of the finest glass museums and collections throughout the world.


Learn About Glass
It's great to find a new piece of glass, but it's even better when you learn something
about your latest discovery. Just Glass has articles on all different types of glass
available here. Check them out!

If you're looking for reference guides on glass, visit the Just Glass Bookstore.
You'll find a wide selection of great books about all types of glass.
And because Just Glass is an Amazon Associate Seller, all items are
offered at a discount off the retail price.


Repair & Restoration
Some of the most common questions we're asked are "Where can I get my glass polished?"
and "How do you fix a chip so I can use it again?"
Click here for a list of companies that specialize in glass restoration and repair.

Nothing strikes fear in the hearts of Glass Collectors like the sudden realization that
their pattern is being reproduced. Here are some tips to help you spot these fakes
so you can buy with confidence.

Shop for Glass
Our Just Glass Dealer Shops have the best glass on the internet. From Tiffany to Fire-King,
you'll find it in on Just Glass! Stop by and add something new to your collection today!